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Ajuga Turkestanica 50:1,Free Shipping

Original price was: $12.32.Current price is: $11.70.

Price: 12.32 - 11.70

Pure Natural Ajuga Turkestanica Extract Powder 50:1,Jisten,Ajuga Ciliata,ajuga Decumbens,Improved Sleep Quality,Free Shipping

1. Product’s Name: Sonwu supply Ajuga Turkestanica 50:1 Extract 40% turkesterone 100% natural
2. Source: Ajuga multiflora Bunge
3. Puirty: 40% Turkesterone
4. Apperance: Yellow Brown powder
5. What is Turkesterone?
Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid, which is a hormonal steroid that is found in plants. Ecdysteroids can be compared to testosterone,due to their ability to induce growth. However, unlike testosterone, ecdysteroids do not bind to androgen receptors, and therefore do not cause any steroidal side effects , such as gynecomastia and hair loss. Although stimulating different anabolic pathways to androgenic steroids, turkesterone seems to be the most anabolic (muscle building) out of all the ecysteriods.


1. Turkesterone increases muscle growth and reduces lactic acid.
2. Turkesterone has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects.
3. Turkesterone can improve sleep quality.
4. Turkesterone can improve heart function.
5. Turkesterone can help your body to build up those all-important muscle fibers and increase your muscle-to-fat ratio.


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